Pricing you home correctly is crucial to selling your home in a timely manner at the highest price possible. Current market conditions determine the value. Pricing too high or too low can cost you time and money and even a nice property on the market if labeled Stale after approx. 6 weeks on market may not get much attention from Cooperating Realtors to view. Half of the sales are actually cooperating brokerage on the MLS Network.
Buyers are forced by Mortgage lenders to consider appraisal. Ultimately you do not want to have a sale collapse due to Buyer not getting approved for the Value by Mortgage Lender if lower than the accepted offer price.
Best for you to think of a bottom line for what it is worth for you to sell and also what you are hoping is feasible. This is valuable info that I would be very interested to learn before I commit to a recommended list price. Also in what time frame are is your goal to sell.
This basic market analysis is an essential start to determine the value of your residential property. A further more comprehensive analysis on other units in your Neighborhood and unique characteristics of your property are the key elements in determining value that to be supported to Buyer; therefore the basis for valuation is also similar properties in your area.
The market analysis takes into account the amount received from recent sales of comparable properties and the quantity and quality of comparable properties currently on the market. The desired end result, of course, is to find a price that will attract a willing and able buyer in a reasonable time.
Once the value of your home has been determined, you can decide on an offering price that will achieve your goals. Generally, the price should not exceed the value by more than 5% or potential buyers may not even make offers. Naturally, if you want to sell quickly your asking price should be very near the value.
The Simple Six Factors affecting the price:
- Location
- Features
- Condition of your home
- Age of your home
- Current market conditions
- Any special assessments pending or Engineering Reports (if any)